The Heritage Club
Every day we write part of our story a story that will become a legacy passed down to the next generation. If an important part of your life's story is making a gift that continues giving, then there is no better way to honor that vision than to create a lasting legacy of generosity that will shape the future of generations to come.
What is The Heritage Club?
The Heritage Club is a prestigious donor recognition society honoring those who have shared their intent to include Boys & Girls Clubs of America in their estate plan. Your Planned Gift to Boys & Girls of America demonstrates the spirit of compassion that is transformative in nature. By including us in your estate plans, you will make a profound and lasting impact on the future of America's youth.
What are the benefits of membership in The Heritage Club?
As a member, you'll receive a Heritage Club lapel pin as a token of our sincere appreciation, in honor of your legacy gift to Boys & Girls Clubs of America, have access to regular updates on our programs through the newsletter and be listed as a Heritage Club member on our website.
How do I become a member of The Heritage Club?
- Bequest (or Living Trust)
- Charitable Gift Annuity
- Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust
- Charitable Remainder Unitrust
- Deffered Charitable Gift Annuity
- IRA/Retirement Plan Beneficiary
- Gift of Residence or Farm with Retained Life Estate
- Charitable Lead Trust
- Life Insurance Policy
Joining The Heritage Club is easy! Simply communicate your intentions by printing, signing and returning our enrollment form. For assistance, you may request that a planned giving representative contact you to discuss your specific estate planning needs and opportunities by contacting:
The Heritage Club Members
- Justine & Kenneth Amerault
- Lisa Anastasi
- Barbara J. Barr
- Maurice Beliveau
- Tenley Albright Blakeley
- Gerald "Jerry" Blakeley
- Gerald W Blakeley Jr
- Richard Boutilier
- Barbara M. Boyd
- Jacqualyn F. Brow
- Ann Brown
- Ann Lee Saunders Brown
- Catherine Brundage
- Elsie J Buchwald
- Sheila & Herbert Bunin
- Mary Helen Byers
- Hudson Charitable
- McMurtrie Charitable
- Dorothy Conkey
- Anthony Conza
- Betsy Cooper
- Virginia Lee Barovic & David Crockett
- CP Family
- Jeffrey Duke Deniman
- Jane Dornish
- Christopher Gus Duke
- The Eaker Family
- Harold Edgar
- Joan F Faulkner
- Norman Fogle
- Robert R. Ford
- Irene Gart
- Irene Garth
- Moore Gates, Jr.
- Rick & Susan Goings
- Ann Frank Goldstein
- Samuel & Suzanne Greenlaw
- Nelson Gregory
- James & Carol Gumpert
- Arthur Gurney
- Jim Hadge
- C. A. Hamilton
- Steven P Hilbert
- Mary Sherwood Holt
- Paul S. Hollis
- Jack & Valeria Hollis
- Gary & Ellen Horn
- Franklin & Mabel Hoyt
- Anthony Iorillo
- Rollin Jansky
- Bonnie Kalteenborn
- Wayne Kay
- Mary Kilfoil
- Mary Elizabeth Walsh Kuehn
- Oliver Lape
- Marilea Larm
- Dale Larson
- Donald Jay Lemley
- Richard Loar
- Joanne & Brent A. MacArthur
- Zoe MacDonald
- Marilyn Sue Mack
- David Mahood
- Terrance Mancilla
- Mary Lou McDonald
- Helen McMurtrie
- Rosemary Milchuck
- Michael K. Morrison
- Don Nierling
- John Nierling
- Bruce Olson
- John Pangborn
- Thomas Pangborn
- William Pastore
- Joyce H Pendleton
- Patricia Peterson
- Martin & Lilian Platsko
- Richard Alan Ragsdale
- Bruce Robinson
- Jane Rosa
- Herman Rosenberg
- Arthur C. Sands
- Peter Scotese
- Peter G. Scotese
- Adeline E Sigwalt
- Phyllis R. Sizoo
- Brian Smith
- Clair Smith
- Edward K. Straus
- Michael Tennenbaum
- Lena A Thompson
- Lucy Stewart Trust
- John Uliveto
- James Annenberg La Vea
- Peggy E. Walters
- Robert M Warhus
- Randy & Stephanie Weisman
- Carlton Whitnell
- Laird H Williamson
- Williamson Family